Monday 23 January 2012

Can art be mechanically reproduced?

When something is reproduced for so many times is that art? What's the importance of the mechanical reproducibility of the art? What was the impact on mechanical reproducibility on the society?
Without a doubt when an artwork is reproduced no matter how many times it is still considered art. Art and photography is in itself a reproduction of our memories. For instance why do we take photographs? Simple, to immortalize the very moment that we want to remember same goes to paintings and other forms of artistic expressions.  Reproductions do not necessarily have to be exact copy of the artwork although in some cases it is the exact duplicate.  Reproductions can be a new way of looking at an ancient artwork.  An artist might alter it to his or her liking, might use different colours to give the user a different feeling or perceptive.  This can have a very huge impact on today’s society we have so many different types of equipment and technology and software that can actually produce the same results as the original artwork. So therefore stating some as “original” is a huge accomplishment.

Is photography art or contribution to the art? Is it just a tool used by artists?
Photography is art. Granted it might not be the traditional art that we normally think of or study about but it is art. Very similar to a painter instead of using paint and brushes a photographer uses different camera lenses, different lighting conditions, in some cases to enhance their photographs they can use different photo manipulations techniques to enhance their artwork. When all of it put together it an expression of art and it has meaning behind it just like any painting.

How and why Henry Pitch Robinson created fading away? What was the reason?
Henry pitch Robinson created fading away by using multiple negatives five to be exact. It was a new technique he used for his era. The reason he created this photograph which depicted a dying young woman was to create different emotions through this photograph.  The young woman was dying with her grieving family around her in my opinion it was also to create awareness of simple human emotions that all of us feel at time of someones death so any human can relate to it by just looking and analyzing this photograph.

Photography has impacted the world of art and influenced some changes in the area of accessibility to art. If mechanical reproduction created revolution, what is happening now with the digitalization?
What’s happening with digitalization is that everything that we see is either altered to make it look perfect. For instance fashion magazines use a lot of different tools like photoshop or other image enhancing techniques to make their models appear as though they are perfect in reality that model might not look like that the model could be fat or skinny might not have a perfect skin or body.

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