Thursday 9 February 2012

Photo Manipulation

What is photo manipulation?
To put it the simplest words are photo editing techniques to create a whole new atmosphere. it could be in a edited in a dark room or digital enhancement with different photo editing software .

The photograph above was taken by me. I edited it using Adobe Photoshop as you can results from the original. I used different techniques to make the photograph look the way it does now I used different gradient maps to create a somewhat of a sunset effect in the original photo you can see there is a shadow of a light pole I took the out because it does not compliment the composition of the photograph. I also used lens flare on top right side of the photograph in addition I used lighting effects so there is consistent flow of light coming from one direction. Overall it gave a whole new atmosphere to the photograph it looks rustic and it gives it a feeling that it was developed in the dark room. A lot of photographers actually love the process photo editing because it give them a whole wide range of tools to work from  they can change the colors of the photograph give it contrast make it look like it was taken on a rainy day instead of a sunny day. They can also adjust the time of the day it could be taken in the evening but add a little brightness and contrast and it look like it was afternoon time. 

I absolutely loved manipulating this photograph. I took this photograph at Center Island it turned out great. In this photograph I also used Photoshop to manipulate. In this manipulation I added contrast to the clouds and various other effects. I used a lot of gradient mapping for masking and in addition curves effects helped a lot with balancing out the brightness. you can see in the original photo there the clouds are barely there the clouds I put there using brush strokes with pre-made brushes which you can download from any art site like for example deviantART. Here is where I got my brushes from [Link]. They're for free and very simple to install. The clouds give it this feeling of a storm approaching, this also changes the landscape and the mood of the whole photograph. The skyline gives this photograph a nice touch when someone sees they will immediately know where it was taken and what city it is.

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