Saturday 17 March 2012

Ethical Dilemma

1. The main differences and similarities between art and press photography;
Press photography is considered to be news photography. it captures the truth and tell us news stories without using a single word. It is similar with photojournalism. on the other hand, art photography, it is a form of commercial photography. From an artistic view, it can be developed many times using editing software tools like photoshop to reach artist's vision.

2. Is it ethical and acceptable to alter art photographs? Why? Why not?
In my view I think that it is acceptable to alter art photography since the idea behind art photography is based on the artist imagination and visualization this is how art photography come to life. It is common for the photographer to change the environment and surroundings to reflect the final result of the photograph. By changing and altering the art photograph artists can create a single piece of art that is only one of its kind.

3.Is it ethical and acceptable to alter press photographs? Why? Why not?
in contrast, press photography contains photos that tell stories and are used to capture emotion of an event taking  place. According to journalistic code of ethics journalists must not altered their images. Because their responsibility is report to audience with the truth. In my opinion, I agree that press photographs should not be edited or altered under any condition because then it defeats the whole purpose of press photograph is to capture reality if the photograph is altered it can change the real emotion, mood and true meaning behind the original photograph.

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